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What I offer

Remember hope is stronger than fear - I've been where you are

Why does this methodology work?

This methodology is the alternative, modern approach to traditional 12-step methods which aims to help you get your (super) power back from alcohol so you can be truly free.


Most methods focus on changing the behaviour itself - stopping or reducing the amount you drink. This predominantly comes from a place of fear and scarcity, which creates more resistance to being able to learn new things.


This Naked Mind Methodology addresses your thoughts and beliefs about alcohol and what you think it does for you before you look at changing the behaviour. You are encouraged to drop the weapons of ‘shame and blame’ which we have carried due to society telling us for years it is our fault we have a problem with alcohol and instead show yourself grace and compassion which allows a space for awareness and learning to begin.

Once you have retrained your brain, you no longer desire a drink, so you are not coming from a place of deprivation and therefore there is no ‘Fear of Missing Out’ or cravings to battle, helping you to achieve lasting change without solely relying on willpower.


Remember hope is stronger than fear. I’ve been where you are…


I am walking, living proof that this Methodology works. Having drank for over three decades I never believed it would be possible for me to change my relationship with alcohol, let alone stop drinking completely and not even struggle with any desires to drink!

Book a free discovery call now

Let's have an informal, no pressure chat about your current relationship with alcohol to see how I can help.

You control the sessions

A safe space

Help wherever you are

Appointments to suit you

Sound familiar?

Despite being in control of other areas in your life, alcohol is somehow ignoring all the rules.


You know something needs to change but have been unable to find a way to start this journey?


The incessant chatter in your head is becoming too loud and you desperately want to quieten your mind and stop the constant thoughts around drinking.


The 3am ‘hangxiety’ wake-up every night, full of feelings of regret, guilt, shame, hopelessness and no chance of getting back to sleep. You swear to yourself that you will not have a drink today but by later, there you are again with drink in hand not understanding what just happened?


You experience cognitive dissonance- the mental stress experienced when we hold two conflicting values, ideas or beliefs at the same time – you literally argue with yourself that you want a drink/you don’t want a drink at the same time!


It's time for action - so put on your superhero suit and prepare for the journey of your life!

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