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TNMI Certified
Alcohol & Addiction Freedom Coach

Achieve Alcohol Freedom with Compassion

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About me


About Sammie

As a certified This Naked Mind coach, I use a compassion-led model. This methodology integrates the latest research and science backed evidence on alcohol and behaviour change and guides you to achieve your goals without attaching any labels, judgement, guilt or shame.

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Why work with me?

A Mental Health Nurse and This Naked Mind Coach, who is passionate about helping professional working mums regain control from alcohol as they transition through the perimenopause and all the ‘joys’ that brings along! 


I have worked in the field of substance misuse for over 20 years so there is some irony to think that this did not give me an exemption from the clutches of alcohol addiction. Maybe the problem is that alcohol is a highly addictive, toxic yet legal substance?

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Life changing! My expectations were that I would receive support to stop drinking and little else. A couple of weeks in and my desire to drink had disspaperead completely. I did wonder what I would get from the rest of the coaching seesions. When the alcohol free honeymoon ended I felt that this was my life – ‘okish’ but not great. However, this was when the real change happened with Sammie’s help, support and guidance. My relationships and life changed enormously! I found myself doing things I had put off for years! Whereas before I couldn’t wait for the day to end, so I could escape in sleep, now I don’t want the day to end. I

learned to love myself and my life. Thank you so much!

Pam, UK

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